A group flying evening is a wonderful way to spend time with friends, family, business colleagues or customers. What better way to spend a summer’s evening than soaring above Kent. It can also make a great and special team building event.
Group Flying Evening sizes can be from 5 to 25 participants. Those flying must be aged 12 or over and weigh 16 stone or under. Flying in a glider is not physically demanding but those wishing to fly should be fit enough to get into and out of a bath unaided. Those with disabilities may well be able to go gliding – please contact us to discuss as appropriate. Spectators are welcome.
You will be given a full briefing before flying. Those not airborne will be invited to help recover and launch the gliders (under supervision). Each pilot will usually get one winch launch and one aerotow, with the option to take control if the conditions permit (they usually do).
If you wish to have a picnic afterwards you are welcome to use the club’s facilities.
If this sounds like fun, please contact the office and we’ll talk you through costs and requirements.