Latitude N 51° 12′ 29″ Longitude E 00° 49′ 49″ Elevation 620 ft
If you are visiting Kent Gliding Centre by air you will find the airfield on top of the North Downs at altitude 620 feet just to the north east of Charing village and about 5 miles north west of Ashford. The field is triangular in shape and there is good visual reference point of a chalk pit in the south west corner.
Gliding can occur on any day of the week and both winch launching and aerotowing take place.
Power planes are strictly PPR.
There are no overshoot/undershoot fields on any approach path and the field is predominantly surrounded by woods. At the south end is the scarp face of the north downs and curl over can be found in northerly winds when on final from the south.
The field operation and local soaring radio frequency is 122.915. Listen out on this frequency and call when 5 miles from the field.